Getting to Know Me
Mrs. Cheryl Aldrich is currently employed at the Sweet Home Central School District in Amherst, NY where she has been an elementary teacher for over 25 years. The past seven years have been spent as a Teacher on Special Assignment for Elementary Science, developing a new science program focused around inquiry science lab experiences for third to fifth grades across the district. She is also charge with developing a K-5 science curriculum centered around the NYS Science Learning Standards. Mrs. Aldrich received a Masters in Elementary Science Education from SUNY at Buffalo in 1998. She is a graduate of the Michelson Exxon Mobile Teacher Academy in 2013, working with writers of NGSS and the top educators in the United States. Mrs. Aldrich received the K-8 Outstanding Science Educator Award in 2014 from STANYS. More recently, Mrs. Aldrich joined the Western Section Board of Directors of STANYS as a Co-Elementary Subject Area Representative. In 2018, Mrs. Aldrich received the Anton Banko Award for Excellence in Elementary Science Teaching through STANYS. She became a New York State Master Teacher in 2018. Through all of these groups, she is able to continue learning about her passion of qualtiy science education.
More recently, Mrs. Aldrich has started Evolve Science Education Consultants. This business focuses on leading schools through understanding the new science standards, and move to high quality three dimensional instruction.