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Starting a New Year!

Cheryl Aldrich

Decisions made going into setting up the science lab for a new year

Every August brings the opportunity to create a new work space for the students to engage in science. Rarely does the classroom space look exactly the same from year to year. As I learn more about science education and the needs of the students change, the classroom must evolve to meet the new needs. I use to have the large brown table in the back to serve as supply center. But, I realized towards the end of last year, my young scientists needed more room to spread out with their work. By making some shift in the room set up, students will have the room needed to create chart size models of thinking, and to plan and conduct experiments.

“Reflecting on work of the past year, is a great help in determining what worked in the classroom layout and what needs to be changed.”

One focus I want to have this year is based on creating Driving Question Boards. I have always used the Right Question Technique to generate questions with students, but I needed a better place to display and return to questions, so they become a part of the unit. More about this in the next blog.

The 5 gallon tank on my desk, now houses a terrarium. I didn't like seeing an empty tank in the room all the time, and have a habit of not taking the best care of my classroom plants. So, this is a solution to a few problems. There is still some work to do in the lab...all the students' materials for creating their Interactive Science Notebooks need to be prepared and the microscopes need to be returned to their place. In about a week, I will welcome this year's scientists and I want them to be inspired as they walk into the lab!


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