Cheryl AldrichFeb 12, 20203 min readGetting "Techy" in Science Lab!New technology is constantly being developed and pushed at schools as the next great thing for students. But navigating all the coding...
Cheryl AldrichDec 11, 20192 min readPrimary Science Powered by a STEAM Lab!Creating a structure to keep a rocket ship safe from the winds of a hurricane takes a place to investigate, explore and create! ...
Cheryl AldrichOct 27, 20193 min readAsking Questions...The Heart of ScienceScience begins with questions. Our students are naturally curious, and always have questions about what they see happening in the world. ...
Cheryl AldrichOct 14, 20193 min readStudents Models to Show Science ThinkingWhat can a teacher tell from a student's model? How can a drawing help evaluate a student's understanding? As this example of a 5th...
Cheryl AldrichOct 7, 20193 min readStarting the Journey of Argument Driven Inquiry!This year one goal we have for students is to strengthen the written work in Science Lab. We are using Argument Driven Inquiry #ADI...
Cheryl AldrichSep 30, 20192 min readIt's All About Connections!Connections. If I had to pick a word to represent this year, it would be connections. One of my goals this year was to make connections...
Cheryl AldrichSep 22, 20193 min readMatter Assessment in 3-DimensionsOne of the biggest challenges with the new science standards in NYS (#NYSSLS) will be how these standards are assessed. With the new...
Cheryl AldrichSep 15, 20192 min readPlanning Experiments from DQBOur Driving Question Board for 4th grade has filled up with our models of initial thinking about roller coaster, and questions we have...
Cheryl AldrichSep 8, 20193 min readModels and Meaning MakingThe first week of school went quickly and in science lab we dove right into making models to show our thinking. Model making is an...
Cheryl AldrichAug 25, 20192 min readStarting a New Year!Starting to set up the Science Labs for a new school year
Cheryl AldrichAug 25, 20192 min readDriving Question BoardsBringing together Phenomena, models and student questions to guide the learning of the unit. This year I wanted to bring together all the...